Abdi İbrahim embraces a blended learning approach. At its core, blended learning is defined as a mixture of conventional learning supported and enriched by online learning materials. The approach makes use of various technologies and learning philosophies to complement conventional learning.


The online aspect of blended learning encompasses both learning and comprehension. Abdi İbrahim’s approach is based on the understanding that the acquisition of information is dependent on repetition and exercise.

Face to face

The face-to-face aspect represents the more advanced stages of learning. Abdi İbrahim regards synthesis, analysis and evaluation of information as the advanced stages of learning, which the company supports with interaction.

Abdi İbrahim Academy offers over 300 hours of digital content to colleagues in Türkiye and International Markets via its web portal. In addition, it offers e-training courses designed for a specific target audience. From the main page of the Academy, employees can view in-class and e-training courses they were assigned, and access e-training courses through a competency-based catalog.