2025 Awards

  • Golden Pulse Awards

    "İşin Aslı Demir Eşitliği" kampanyamız ile “Yılın En Başarılı Ürün Konsepti ve Yılın En Başarılı Dijital İletişim Kampanyası/Projesi” ödüllerine layık görüldük.

  • Golden Pulse Awards

    “Alzheimer’ın Sesi” projemiz kapsamında 21 Eylül Dünya Alzheimer Günü için hazırladığımız farkındalık filmimiz ile “Yılın En Başarılı TV/Sosyal Medya Filmi” ödülüne layık görüldük. 

2024 Awards

  • Yeşil Nokta Sanayi Ödülü

    Akıllı Yazılım projemizle ÇEVKO Vakfı tarafından düzenlenen Yeşil Nokta Sanayi Ödülleri’nde Ambalajda Önleme Uygulamaları kategorisinde Yeşil Nokta Sanayi Ödülü’ne layık görüldük. 

  • TİSK Ortak Yarınlar Ödülleri

    Türkiye İşveren Sendikaları Konfederasyonu (TİSK) tarafından sosyal sorumluluk alanında düzenlenen “TİSK Ortak Yarınlar Ödül Programı”nda Abdi İbrahim Vakfı İyilik Evi projemiz ile Sosyal Uyum kategorisinde ödüle layık görüldük. 

  • Felis Ödülü

    Abdi İbrahim olarak “İşin Aslı Demir Eşitliği” projemizle Medikal Pazarlama Kampanyası alanında birincilik ödülünü almaya hak kazandık. 

  • Youth Awards 2024

    Abdi İbrahim olarak gençlerin farklı sektör ve alanlarda en beğendiği şirketleri seçtiği Youth Awards 2024’te "Gençler Tarafından En Çok Çalışılmak İstenen Sağlık Şirketi" kategorisinde Altın ödülün sahibi olduk. 

  • En Gözde Şirketler

    Abdi İbrahim olarak, Realta Danışmanlık tarafından yürütülen 91.342 öğrenci ve 39.533 genç profesyonelin katıldığı araştırma sonucunda Türkiye'nin en gözde ilaç şirketi seçilerek Türkiye'nin En Gözde 100 Şirketi arasında yer aldık. 

2022 Awards

  • Horizon Interactive Awards

    Our renewed corporate website has won three accolades at the Horizon Interactive Awards – one of the most prestigious competitions in the field – receiving a Gold award in the “Health/Human Services” category, and Silver in both the “Consumer Information” and “Business to Business” categories. 

  • NYX Awards

    Our 5th Sustainability Report entitled “Healing Journey from the Past to the Future,” has been deemed worthy of a Grand Winner Award – the highest accolade in the Annual Report category of the NYX Awards 2022 – considered to be among the most prestigious creativity awards in the world.

2021 Awards

  • IDC CIO Awards

    At the annual IDC CIO Awards organized by International Data Corporation (IDC), we won the second prize in the Future of Work category with the "Digitalization of Purchasing Processes with Robotic Process Automation" project.

  • The One Awards

    Abdi İbrahim was recognized with the "Most Reputable of the Year" award in the pharmaceutical industry with popular voting in the seventh edition of The ONE Awards 2020, organized by Marketing Türkiye.

  • 19th Golden Compass Awards

    Our 2017-18 Sustainability Report won us an award in the Corporate Reports category at the 19th Golden Compass Awards organized by the Turkish Public Relations Association (TÜHİD).

  • İhracatın Yıldızları Ödülü

    Abdi İbrahim olarak, İstanbul Kimyevi Maddeler ve Mamulleri İhracatçıları Birliği’nin (İKMİB) düzenlediği 2020 İKMİB İhracatın Yıldızları Ödülleri’nde İlaç Kategorisi’nde ödül almaya hak kazandık.

  • Social Media Awards Türkiye

    Abdi İbrahim was given Gold Award in the Pharmaceuticals category by BoomSonar, which recognizes companies with excellent performance in data analysis as part of the “Social Media Brand Index”.

  • Stevie International Business Awards

    Our "Viral Agenda" communication project, which provided much-needed current and evidence-based medical information during the pandemic, was given a bronze medal in the "Communications/PR Campaign of the Year- Covid 19 Related Information" category.

  • Stevie International Business Awards

    Our chairman of the Board, Nezih Barut, was granted the bronze award in the "Chairman of the Year" category in one of the most prestigious award platforms of the world, the Stevie International Business Awards.

  • Brandon Hall Excellence Awards

    We were granted the Best Program for Upskilling Employees award in the category Excellence in Future of Work thanks to the Training and Mentorship Project which supports the dissemination of innovation culture and is based on a design-oriented thinking approach.

  • Brandon Hall Excellence Awards

    We received bronze in the Excellence in Sales Performance category - Best Sales Onboarding thanks to our digital Onboarding Program which is applied before the recruitment of medical promotion representatives and is supported by the blended learning model.

  • Brandon Hall Excellence Awards

    We were awarded silver in the Excellence in Learning category - Best Use of Blended Learning with our Digitalization of Medical Product Trainings Project.

  • Brandon Hall Excellence Awards

    Abdi İbrahim was awarded gold in the Excellence in Talent Acquisition category - Best Onboarding with its Orientation Program in the preparation of talent for business processes.

  • TİSK Ortak Yarınlar Birlikte Mümkün – 2021

    TİSK tarafından düzenlenen Türkiye’nin sosyal sorumluluk alanındaki ödül programı “TİSK Ortak Yarınlar Birlikte Mümkün – 2021” ödüllerinde “2030’da Karbon Nötr Olma Yolunda Yenilenebilir Enerji Kullanımı” projemizle Sürdürülebilirlik ve Çevre Ödülü’ne layık görüldük.

  • Corporate Culture 100 Araştırması

    Türkiye’de “şirket kültürünü” öne çıkarmayı amaçlayan “Corporate Culture 100” araştırmasında Türkiye’nin en iyi 100 şirketi arasında 37. ve ilaç sektöründe 1. olmayı başardık!

  • Capital - Kadın Dostu Şirketler Araştırması

    Abdi İbrahim olarak, Capital dergisi tarafından bu yıl dokuzuncusu düzenlenen “Kadın Dostu Şirketler” araştırmasında, geçen yıl olduğu gibi bu yıl da en kadın dostu ilaç şirketi olduk.

  • Universum - Türkiye’nin En Çekici İşverenleri Araştırması

    Türkiye’nin en kapsamlı gençlik araştırması olan Universum Türkiye’nin En Çekici İşverenleri Araştırması’nda İlaç ve Biyoteknoloji sektöründe ikinci seçildik!

  • Youth Awards

    Genç yeteneklerin kariyer platformu Youthall tarafından düzenlenen ve gençlerin gözünden değerlendirme fırsatı sunan, 150 üniversiteden, 163 bölümden toplam 46.238 genç yeteneğin oy kullanarak belirlediği “Youth Awards” ödüllerinde Gençler Tarafından En Çok Çalışılmak İstenen İlaç Şirketi kategorisinde ikincilik ödülünün sahibi olduk.

2020 Awards

  • Platin Global 100 Awards

    Abdi İbrahim’s digital management vision was rewarded once again at the Platin Global 100 Awards given by Platin Magazine and IPSOS.

  • IAmChamPion Ödülü

    Amerikan Şirketler Derneği (AmCham Türkiye) tarafından düzenlenen Türk-Amerikan İş Dünyası Ödülleri’nde (I AmChamPion Awards) “Kadın Yönetici İstihdamı Ödülü”ne layık görüldük.

  • Istanbul Marketing Awards

    Abdi İbrahim’s MSS team received Honorable Mention at the Istanbul Marketing Summit’s Istanbul Marketing Awards for their Pediatric Psychiatry website and mentorship project.

  • 12th Corporate Social Responsibility Summit Sustainable Development Targets Awards

    Abdi İbrahim was awarded the Platinum Award with its "Contributing to the Fight Against COVID-19” campaign at the Corporate Social Responsibility Association’s 12th Corporate Social Responsibility Summit.

  • TISK Common Tomorrow Award

    Confederation of Employer Associations of Türkiye(TISK) awarded Abdi İbrahim’s "Contributing to the Fight Against COVID-19” campaign the “Social Support Award” at the Common Tomorrow Awards, Türkiye first social responsibility awards focusing exclusively on the fight against COVID-19.

  • Social Media Awards Türkiye

    Abdi İbrahim was given Gold Award in the Pharmaceuticals category by BoomSonar, which recognizes companies with excellent performance in data analysis as part of the “Social Media Brand Index”.

  • Stevie Awards

    Abdi İbrahim HR Department’s "Regional Manager Selection Process” won Gold Stevie in Excellence in Career Management, and the “Evine Sağlık” internal communication project, developed by the Millennials Committee. HR and Corporate Communication teams won another Gold Stevie in the Most Innovative HR Technology Use-Europe category.

  • Most Reliable Pharma Company

    Abdi İbrahim was named “Most Trusted Pharmaceutical Company” at the Trust Awards.

  • Pharmaceutical Chemistry Congress R&D Awards

    Abdi İbrahim was recognized at the 8th Pharmaceutical Chemistry Congress R&D Awards as the pharma brand with the most trademark applications.

  • Yetenek Radarı

    Fast Company Türkiye dergisi tarafından düzenlenen, Türkiye'nin En İnovatif 50 Şirkeyi araştırmasında Yetenek Radarı işe alım sistemi ile yer aldık.

2019 Awards

  • Technology and Development Zones and R&D Centers Awards

    Abdi İbrahim’s R&D center at the Esenyurt Production Complex was awarded at the seventh iteration of the Technology and Development Zones and R&D Centers Award organized by the Ministry of Industry and Technology.

  • Social Media Awards Türkiye

    Abdi İbrahim was given Gold Award in the Pharmaceuticals category by BoomSonar, which recognizes companies with excellent performance in data analysis as part of the “Social Media Brand Index”.

  • Most Popular Companies Awards

    Abdi İbrahim achieved second place in the pharmaceuticals category of the Employer Brand Summit 2019’s “Most Popular Companies Awards”.

2018 Awards

  • Golden Mortar

    Türkiye largest biotech pharmaceutical production facility AbdiBio, which was opened by Abdi İbrahim in May 2018, won the “Biotech Investment” award at the Golden Mortar Awards organized by Eczacı Magazine. 

  • Doctorclub Awards

    Abdi İbrahim’s “Rational Use of Medicine” campaign was named the social responsibility project of the year at the Doktorclub Awards organized by healthcare professionals.

  • Leadership in Human Value Awards

    Abdi İbrahim won the Grand Prize at the Leadership in Human Value Award by PERYÖN.

2017 Awards

  • SAP Forum

    Abdi İbrahim won the “Supply Chain of the Year” award at the SAP Forum with its SAP APO Demand Planning Project.

  • Social Media Awards Türkiye

    Abdi İbrahim won Bronze Award with “The Story of Ceren” project for raising awareness on psoriasis in the "Social Responsibility Communication" category of "Social Media Awards Türkiye", the first and most comprehensive social media awards series in the country.

2016 Awards

  • Stevie International Business Awards

    Abdi İbrahim’s Edirne Darüşşifâ Restoration Project won two Bronze Stevies at the Stevie International Business Awards in the “Social Responsibility Project of the Year” and “Media Relations – Communications/Public Relations Campaign of the Year” categories.

  • Mediacat Felis Awards

    Abdi İbrahim’s Don’t Look the Other Way exhibition won three awards in the Best WOM Project, Best Corporate Social Responsibility Campaign and Best Event Management categories, while Muconex C Cough Campaign video won the Best Product Launch/Relaunch Campaign - Healthcare Communications at the Felis Awards.

  • Mercury Excellence Awards

    Abdi İbrahim won the Bronze Award in the Media Relations category at the Mercury Excellence Awards with its Edirne Dârüşşifa Restoration Project.

  • International Corporate Social Responsibility Awards

    Abdi İbrahim’s Edirne Dârüşşifa Restoration Project won the Social Responsibility Award by the JCI and International Corporate Social Responsibility Awards.

  • ÇEVKO Foundation Green Dot Industry Awards

    Abdi İbrahim became the first and only pharmaceutical company to win the Green Dot Industry Award in the Waste Management and Implementations category by the ÇEVKO foundation with its "Waste Management System and Practices that Heal the Nature" project.

  • SAP Quality Awards

    Abdi İbrahim’s SRM and SLC projects, developed by the Global Procurement and Supply Management and implemented in collaboration with the Information System and Technologies Management, won the Gold Award in the Business Transformation category at the "SAP Quality Awards", one of the most prestigious awards of the business and technology world.

  • ACE OF M.I.C.E Awards

    Abdi İbrahim Otsuka’s "Schizophrenia from Prehistory to Today - Don’t Look the Other Way" Exhibition won the "Best Corporate Social Responsibility Project" award at ACE OF M.I.C.E, Türkiye most prestigious congress, meeting and event awards.

  • Crystal Tree Awards

    Abdi İbrahim won the R&D Initiative of the Year Award with its biotech pharmaceutical production facility AbdiBio at the Sixth Crystal Tree Awards organized by METU Young Entrepreneurs Society.

  • Golden Mortar Award

    The Edirne Dârüşşifa Restoration Project brought Abdi İbrahim the Social Responsibility Award at the Golden Mortar Awards, organized by the Eczacı Magazine.

  • Golden Compass Public Relations Awards

    The Edirne Dârüşşifa Restoration Project brought Abdi İbrahim the Jury Special Award at the Golden Compass Public Relations Awards, Türkiye only award in the communications and public relations sector.

  • Golden Owl Awards

    Abdi İbrahim’s Medicine Health Products Department won the Gold Award with its ethnographic market study carried out in partnership with Habitus Research for its morning-after pill, in the "Insightful Owl" category of the Turkish Researchers’ Association’s Owl Awards.

  • Nicholas Hall & Company Awards

    Ellaone won the Most Innovative New Product of the Year award at the annual Nicholas Hall Awards , which is given by Nicholas Hall & Company, a highly prestigious international consulting firm and a trend-setter in the OTC market, based on the votes of the OTC authorities from across the globe.

2015 Awards

  • Stars of Chemistry Awards

    Abdi İbrahim took ninth place in the Stars of Chemistry Awards pharmaceutical export rankings of the Istanbul Chemicals and Chemical Products Exporters’ Association.

2013 Awards

  • Kocaeli Chamber of Industry Environmental Awards

    Abdi İbrahim won "Jury Special Award" in the Large Enterprise category of Şahabettin Bilgisu Environmental Awards, which is organized by Kocaeli Chamber of Industry.

  • Farmaskop Awards

    Abdi İbrahim’s YouPlus, Bruno and Van Gogh Alive Digital Exhibition received seven awards at the "Farmaskop National Healthcare Communications Awards", organized since 2008 to enhance communications in healthcare as well as contribute to the growth of the industry.

  • Eco-friendly Facility Award

    With a constant focus on the environment in all operations, Abdi İbrahim won the "Eco-friendly Facility Award" by the Türkiye Healthy Cities Association, which aims to create livable and healthy cities in Türkiye.

  • Effie Awards

    Abdi İbrahim’s Bruno brand, a culmination of the company’s deep-rooted experience and expertise in healthcare products, brought the company a Silver Effie in the Cosmetics–Personal Care category at the 2013 Effie Türkiye Advertising Activities Awards, organized by Advertisers Association in collaboration with Effie Worldwide Inc.

  • ESQR's Quality Achievements Award

    Operating out of world-class facilities in terms of R&D, production and logistics, Abdi İbrahim’s efforts towards establishing a quality culture and its contributions to quality management culminated in the "European Quality Achievement" award by ESQR (European Society for Quality Research - Switzerland).

  • Crystal Apple Awards

    Abdi İbrahim was granted the Crystal Apple - Film/TV, Cinema and Digital in the Healthcare Category.

  • Golden Mortar Award

    YouPlus, Abdi İbrahim’s first brand in the vitamin, mineral and Omega-3 supplements market, won the eponymous Golden Mortar in the Non-pharmaceutical Products category at the Golden Mortar Awards.

  • Golden Compass Public Relations Awards

    Abdi İbrahim won “Corporate Social Responsibility Award” with its “Rational Use of Medicine” project in the Healthcare category, and the “Sponsorship Communication Award” with its “Van Gogh Alive Digital Art Exhibition” in the Culture & Arts category.

  • Nicholas Hall Awards

    Abdi İbrahim’s Bruno brand won two grand prizes at the Nicholas Hall Awards, given each year to candidates selected by the world’s OTC authorities, and organized by Nicholas Hall, a global trend-setter in the OTC market that guides major companies’ strategies with the data it provides. Abdi İbrahim became the first Turkish company to win the "Worldwide Marketing Award" and "Creative Award", two of the world’s most prestigious awards, with Bruno.

  • Felis Awards

    Abdi İbrahim won the "Creativity" award in the "Cosmetics, Personal Care, and Healthcare Products" category at the Mediacat Felis Awards with its Bruno Saline Solution.

2012 Awards

  • International Award For Excellence and Business Prestige Award

    Abdi İbrahim won the Gold Award in the Total Quality Management category by BID, and the Gold Europe Quality and Commercial Prestige Award by OMAC (Otherways Management Association Club).

  • The Golden Europe Award For Quality & Commercial Prestige

    Abdi İbrahim won the Gold Europe Quality and Commercial Prestige Award by OMAC.

  • Golden Mortar Award

    Abdi İbrahim won the Social Responsibility Project of the Year award with its Rational Use of Medicine Campaign.

2011 Awards

  • Golden Mortar Award

    Abdi İbrahim won the "Dedicated R&D Award" at the Export Stars Awards, organized by Dünya Newspaper in collaboration with the Turkish Exporters’ Assembly.

2010 Awards

  • Export Stars Awards

    Abdi İbrahim won the "Dedicated R&D Award" at the Export Stars Awards, organized by Dünya Newspaper in collaboration with the Turkish Exporters’ Assembly.

2006 Awards

  • Energy Efficiency in the Industry Award

    Abdi İbrahim won first place in the Energy Efficient Industrial Facility category, and third in the Most Successful Energy Saving Practice category.