The Story Behind Our Logo

When Abdi İbrahim began its journey of growth, thanks to the efforts of pharmacist İbrahim Hayri Barut, the firm adopted a logo made up of the initials of “İbrahim Barut.”

Upon the firm’s incorporation in 1975, the logo was changed to use the initials of “Abdi İbrahim.”

The logo in use today was created by renowned designer Massimo Vignelli on September 4, 2008. The three concentric rings on the logo represent the three generations of Abdi İbrahim leaders. The vertical line dividing these circles stands for the Bosporus, forming a boundary between Asia and Europe, indicating where the headquarters of Abdi İbrahim is located. The mirrored colors on both sides of the vertical line represent Abdi İbrahim’s corporate culture, which draws on the harmony between opposites.

Because Abdi İbrahim is a family-owned enterprise, but it is managed by professionals. It is a domestic pharmaceutical company built with 100% Turkish capital, but with operations in various other countries and with licensing agreements with over 30 firms.